Straight Talk (1992)

In the comedy “Straight Talk,” Dolly Parton stars as Shirlee Kenyon, a woman who’s seen some hard times and learned her lessons from them. When her live-in boyfriend announces that he really doesn’t have any intentions of getting married, she realizes that she can do a lot better. Quitting her job as a dance instructor, she packs up and comes to Chicago, where she hits the pavement. But finding a job in the big city isn’t as easy as she thought it would be. Pausing to collect her thoughts on a bridge one day, she digs in her purse and … Continue reading

Week in Review: December 1st-8th

We’ve had a lot of fun in Movie Reviews this last week. Would you like a quick rundown of everything we’ve watched? “The Prince and Me” is a bubble-gum love story about a girl who is attending college and gets mixed up with the Prince of Denmark, who’s incognito. They fall in love, but when she discovers his true identity, will the price of fame be too high? “Deck the Halls” is an ornery movie about two neighbors who vie for the title of “Christmas Expert” and nearly ruin each other’s lives in the process, completely forgetting why we have … Continue reading

General Conference From the Past: Spit and Mud and Kigatsuku

In April 1992, Sister Chieko N. Okazaki, First Counselor in the Relief Society Presidency, gave a talk entitled “Spit and Mud and Kigatsuku.” This talk, based on the concept of giving service, addresses the need to serve without being commanded. Sister Okazaki began by defining the Japanese word “kigatsuku,” which means “an inner spirit to act without being told what to do.” She talks about how her mother taught her to follow her instincts while she was young by asking, “What would a kigatsuku girl do now?” As a child, she learned to notice a need and fill it. We, … Continue reading

Author Interview – Sherry Ann Miller (part four) Sailing and Scheduling

Thank you for joining us for our fourth installment in our exclusive interview with award-winning author Sherry Ann Miller. If you missed parts one, two, or three, click here. Sherry Ann, I notice you mention sailing frequently in your books, and you talk about it like someone who knows. Can you tell us about your sailing experience? In 1992, my son was still quite ill following an accident with a motorcycle that damaged his heart. Hubby and I took him to Oceanside, California, to a condo where he could rest on the beach and soak up some sunshine. One day, … Continue reading

The Price of Fame

If you are like me, you often see celebrities and stars on television impeccably dressed, the women often carrying $3,000 handbags and the men driving cars that cost almost as much as some of our houses. And I admit, there are times I am envious. To be able to be famous and enjoy all the perks of it must be grand. But then, I realize that it is not always the case. I am currently reading the biography of Anthony Perkins called Split Image. I’m not nearly through, but from page one, the stage has been set. Actor Osgood Perkins, … Continue reading