This Week in History – July 5, 1998

It was the week of July 5, 1998 – were you getting ready to party like it was 1999? Let’s see what was happening in the world of pop culture. In national news, Dow-Corning finally reached a settlement with women who had received silicone breast implants. The company was ordered to pay more than 170,000 women $3.2 billion dollars. In international news, Hong Kong’s Kai Tak airport closed after 73 years in service to make way for a new $20 billion dollar facility. In computer news, the introduction of USB ports had computer users very excited. The USS Harry S. … Continue reading

Only Love (1998)

Have I ever told you that I have a secret desire to be a film editor? Well, I do. I pick apart movies I watch, thinking how I would have done it, had it been up to me. Occasionally I’ll just enjoy a movie on its own merits, and occasionally a movie will really bother me and cause me to hiss and spit. “Only Love” was one of the latter. Now, don’t get me wrong – the movie had a lot of good points, and that’s why I’m even bothering to review it. It’s just that it was poorly constructed … Continue reading

I’ll Be Home for Christmas (1998)

I watched “I’ll Be Home for Christmas” on the recommendation of a friend, and I really enjoyed it. The only way I could get my hands on it was to buy a used copy at Blockbuster, and I’m glad I forked over the money. It’s a keeper. Jonathan Taylor Thomas plays Jake Wilkinson, a college freshman who hasn’t spent Christmas at home since his mom died. The memories are just too painful for him, especially when his dad remarried not even a year after his mother’s passing. He’s become cynical and manipulative, not wanting to think about anyone but himself. … Continue reading

Mulan (1998)

This thrilling Disney masterpiece is based on a legendary figure, Hua Mulan, whose escapades are depicted in a famous Chinese poem called “The Ballad of Mulan.” It’s unknown whether this ballad was a historical record or an allegorical piece of fiction, but either way, it makes one whale of a Disney film. Mulan is the only child of her parents, and her only hope to redeem the fact that she is a girl is to marry well. We begin the film with her preparations to meet with the matchmaker, a woman who holds a position of much importance in the … Continue reading

One “Brave” Family Adventure

Merida, the protagonist from “Brave,” fulfills the promise of all the Disney films that came before her. “Brave” isn’t Pixar’s best film, and isn’t even as exciting as some of Disney’s other princess films, but the character of Merida and her relationship with her mother make up for all of that. The story is familiar enough. Merida’s mother, Queen Elinor, wants to train Merida to be the perfect princess. She should act with decorum, keep her dresses clean, recite poetry in a clear voice, and carry herself with grace. Instead Merida wants to ride her horse, let her hair run … Continue reading

Pet Insurance is Necessary, Despite Expense

Are your dogs and cats covered by a pet insurance plan? There are some pet owners who love their “fur babies” so much that they will hold off on buying themselves a health insurance plan in order to be able to afford to get pet insurance. Depending on your budget, pet insurance might be a bit expensive, but, many pet owners feel that is it very much worth the cost. Around one million pets are insured in North America. This equates to about 1% of the population of pets in the United States. Who buys pet insurance? According to Kristen … Continue reading

Disney as Christmas Americana

What is it about Disney and Christmas? The two just seem to go together. I was at the post office last week, and while waiting in line I noticed that I could purchase two holiday-designed wrapping paper sets. One of them featured Disney characters. I can’t think of any other brand for which it wouldn’t seem weird to see its characters plastered all over Christmas-themed items. Yet the more I think about it, the more instances I recall of Disney and Christmas intersecting. For years we had Disney ornaments on our tree; some of them were actually thematically-appropriate, with Goofy … Continue reading

I Hope They Call Me On a Mission

I served a full-time mission from 1998-2000. It was a wonderful 18 months of my life. Some days it seems so long ago, and other days, I wish I was back there with nothing to worry about except whether or not I was doing what the Lord wanted, good enough to please Him. For anyone that does not understand why Mormons go on missions, it’s hard to explain. But, I can try and explain why I did. In fact, I’m speaking to the Young Women tonight at church regarding this very topic. In our church, mormon missionaries are not paid. … Continue reading

A Study in Princesses: Pocahontas and Mulan

For the past two weeks I’ve been looking at the Disney Princesses: how they’re presented, how they change with time, and what they say about a woman’s role in society. For all of the princesses up until the mid-1990s, meeting and winning a man (or for Aladdin, a woman) was the fulfillment of their life’s journey. We start to see real change with 1995’s “Pocahontas,” a movie with which I admit I’m not as familiar. But it’s important for several reasons. Pocahontas continues with the recent trend of heroines yearning after lives of adventure, as opposed to waiting for men … Continue reading

Meeting the In-Laws

When I met my husband he kept telling me that he just knew that I was going to be great friends with his sister and that his family was just going to love me. He could just imagine all the times that his mom, sister and I would go shopping or out to lunch. Love must have made me gullible because reality is nowhere near what he thought it would be. My husband and I met in a rather unusual manner; I was working in Massachusetts for a company that represented the company in Texas that he worked for. We … Continue reading