A Man Called Peter (1955)

Recently I watched a favorite movie of mine. ‘A Man Called Peter’stars Richard Todd as Peter Marshall and Jean Peters as Catherine Wood, who later became his wife. The movie was adapted from the book of the same name written by Catherine Marshall. The movie starts in Scotland with a young boy struggling to go to sea. But God had other plans for Peter Marshall as he found put when God saved him from falling into an abandoned quarry. At that time Peter Marshall vowed to live his life for God. Peter did end up crossing the seas as God’s … Continue reading

Movies Week in Review – April 7th – 12th

I found some fun movies this week. Would you like to hear about them? First was the new DVD release, “Alvin and the Chipmunks.” These little guys have been around for a long time, but they’ve never had their own full-length movie before. When Alvin, Theodore, and Simon are brought from the forest in a Christmas tree, they find themselves being taken home in a food basket. Dave Seville, wannabe songwriter, is the owner of that basket and the house they proceed to trash. When he discovers they can sing, he writes a song for them which launches them all … Continue reading