Duke and the Great Pie War (2005)

This installment in the VeggieTales collection of spoofed Bible stories was a little bit odd to me. I didn’t find it as well constructed as the films of the past. I knew they were trying to make a point, but I didn’t feel they actually made it. Let’s take a closer look at it. The theme for the show was loving your family. We see Laura Carrot as Miriam, older sister to baby Moses. She resents having to take care of the baby while her parents are working in the brickyard as Pharoah’s slaves. She used to get all the … Continue reading

Larry Boy and the Bad Apple (2006)

We continue our VeggieTales series with another Larry Boy adventure, this time dealing with temptation. Larry Boy has been called out to help some poor children retrieve a stolen candy bar, and he does so with his usual panache, returning the confection to its rightful owners and sending the perpetrators to jail. But on his way home to the Larry Cave, he rewards himself with some chocolate of his own, and overdoes it. A terrible tummy ache later, he’s ready to listen to his faithful butler Alfred, who suggests that he put aside the chocolate for a time and concentrate … Continue reading