Hatari! (1962)

John Wayne plays Sean Mercer in this adventurous film set in the wilds of Africa. Sean is the head of an expedition sent to collect wild animals to be shipped to zoos around the world. They have built a house to live in and an enclosure to hold the animals they have captured, and at the end of the season they will send each creature to the zoo that expressed a need. It’s a great set-up and they each have their jobs down to a T. But one day, Sean gets a letter from A. M. D’Allesandro, a wildlife photographer … Continue reading

McLintock! (1963)

Loosely based on Shakespeare’s “The Taming of the Shrew,” “McLintock!” is one of my dad’s favorite John Wayne films. In my quest to broaden my knowledge of classic Hollywood, I gave this one a try. Wayne stars as G. W. McLintock, a cattle baron who owns a town. Well, he doesn’t own all of it, but just about, and it’s named after him, too. With all that wealth and prestige, you’d think he’d have it made in the shade, but he doesn’t. His estranged wife Kate (Maureen O’Hara) really is a shrew. They were much happier in the days before … Continue reading

The Quiet Man (1952)

In my ongoing search to broaden my cinematic education, I called my dad up and asked him what his favorite movies are. A John Wayne fan to the end, one of his recommendations was “The Quiet Man.” I rented it henceforth and forthwith. Now, I believe in honoring one’s father and one’s mother. Listening to one’s parents is good. But I have to say, I really don’t understand why my dad likes this movie so much. Plot: John Wayne is Sean Thornton, a man who is returning to Ireland, the land of his birth, in hopes of purchasing the very … Continue reading

20 John Wayne Movies for $5.75 shipped

To many, he was the ultimate man. Strength, integrity, honor, and courage wrapped up in a gruff and manly exterior. Yes, John Wayne. Michele recently wrote about a town that honored him. In our family, too, the name itself stands for honor. Many, many years ago, my grandfather built his house in Newport Beach, and said that he was exactly the same kind of man in person. I grew up seeing photos of them together, candid snapshots and posed photos. Grandpa Fred was the same kind of man, one who believed that “life is hard, but it’s good.” He talked … Continue reading

Wayne’s IN Holly’s OUT

If you live in or around Winterset, Iowa you are likely hunkering down for an onslaught of visitors this weekend. Most are making the trip to honor a man residents in Winterset knew as Marion Morrison—the rest of the world knew him simply as the Duke. That’s right; American icon John Wayne called Winterset home and this year the community is going all out to celebrate what would have been his 100th birthday. According to event organizers, thousands (some from as far away as Norway and Denmark) are expected to pour into town for the festivities (many make the trip … Continue reading

Duma (2006)

One night while driving through a semi-colonized part of Africa, a boy named Xan and his father happen upon an orphaned cheetah kitten. Knowing he’ll never survive on his own, they take the kitten back home and raise it, along with other animals they’ve collected along the way. Soon Xan and the cheetah, Duma, are closer than brothers and the thought of returning Duma to the wild is too much to consider. However, if left tame much longer, Duma will lose all his instincts and will never be able to defend himself. Xan reluctantly agrees to help his father return … Continue reading