Gracie (2007)

When I first picked up “Gracie,” I thought I was in for a feel-good family film about a girl who wanted to play soccer. What I ended up with was a deeply-involved drama about a family torn apart who struggled to pull things back together. I have to say, though, I wasn’t disappointed in the film, even though my expectations were so far off base. “Gracie” is loosely based on the lives of actors Andrew and Elisabeth Shue, who also have roles within the film. Gracie Bowen (Carly Schroeder) is the only daughter in a family of athletic boys, and … Continue reading

Facing the Giants (2007)

When I first grabbed this movie off the shelf at Blockbuster, I was expecting another “Remember the Titans” or “Glory Road” or “Miracle” or some other movie about a sports team coming from behind to beat all the odds and how the coach is in danger of losing his job unless the team wins and when they win, his job is saved and children make up with parents and they dig a well and find water and a vein of gold cutting through the town. Okay, I’m getting sarcastic, but you must know how I feel. I’ve seen more versions … Continue reading

Glory Road (2006)

I’m going to state right from the beginning of this blog that I’m just slightly tired of all the movies that have been made about school teams that are in trouble, and then along comes a coach who tries something different, and the team makes it, and everyone is happy. That being said, and with the full disclosure that “Glory Road” is, indeed one of those films, I will proceed to also say that I did enjoy it more than most of those “other movies.” Josh Lucas, who always seems to play a background role or a sidekick up until … Continue reading