A Breed By Any Other Name Is…

…perhaps a dog you once knew or are familiar with from a TV show or a movie. You might not know the breed name, but you identify it nonetheless. By some other name. Not in Kansas Anymore, ____ Take the case of Lollipop, a Cairn terrier. I had the pleasure of making Lollipop’s acquaintance on my morning walks when I went to my mom’s house last month. The first morning I met Lollipop, she and her mom, Martha Ann, were coming towards me on the path. Lollipop stopped dead in her tracks when she saw me, hunkered down, and was … Continue reading

Dog – Michelle Herman

“Dog” by Michelle Herman is a literary novel about a brindle pup, his new owner, and the way he unknowingly impacts her life for the better. Jill Rosen, who much prefers to go by her initials J.T., is a published poet, a poetry professor, and a single, middle-aged woman who has never been married. She lives an isolated life, separate from those she lives amongst, sensing that there is something missing in her life but drinking too much to focus on what that is. It’s not that she’s a full-time alcoholic; it’s just that in those hours when she should … Continue reading