Antz (1998)

Gather every star in Hollywood and put their voices together in one film, and you’ve got “Antz.” Woody Allen stars as Z, a neurotic and insecure ant who’s in therapy, trying to understand his place in the colony. He feels uncomfortable with the lack of individuality he’s been taught his entire life, and wonders if there isn’t more out there. While drinking aphid beer at the bar one night, an old-timer tells him of a wonderful place called “Insectopia,” where the bugs don’t have a boss and there’s food enough for everyone. A dream is planted in Z’s heart. Meanwhile, … Continue reading

Actors that Turned Down Iconic Roles – Part Two

Last blog, I was talking about how actors turned down iconic film roles, for whatever reason – it just didn’t interest them, they had a previous commitment, etc. Here are a few more people that turned down very important roles: Sean Connery as Gandalf in Lord of the Rings? Oh sure, Connery has made his mark in cinema, but he turned down the role of Gandalf in the Lord of the Rings trilogy, saying he “didn’t understand the script.” Too bad for Connery – he was offered up to 15% of the box office receipts by New Cinema, which could … Continue reading

The Rocketeer (1991)

“The Rocketeer” is a fun action/adventure set during World War II that you can enjoy with your older children. Bill Campbell stars as Cliff Secord, a pilot who is building an experimental plane with his good friend, P.V. Peabody. When Cliff is shot down accidentally by mobsters, he needs to come up with some money, fast, to keep the project going. The mobsters hide a super-secret jet pack in the airplane hangar to keep it tucked away from the Feds, and Cliff finds it. He puts it on to discover that with it, he can fly anywhere he wants. He … Continue reading

The Wedding Planner (2001)

“The Wedding Planner” stars Jennifer Lopez as Mary Fiore, a young woman who has built up a career as a wedding planner. She has all the organizational skills to run a high-class business, but she hasn’t been so lucky in love herself—her fiancé cheated on her with her best friend. Feeling that her chance for happiness has passed her by, she instead spends her time helping others find their happily ever after. One day while crossing the street, her shoe gets caught in the middle of the road. Out of nowhere comes a dashing knight in shining armor who pulls … Continue reading